JetForMe: Start of the day, as we were suiting up.
JetForMe: We made it through the first photo op (a decently challenging rapid) without anyone falling out.
JetForMe: 02-05-09 080
JetForMe: 02-05-09 340
JetForMe: 02-05-09 072
JetForMe: P1000874
JetForMe: P1000876
JetForMe: P1000882
JetForMe: 02-05-09 337
JetForMe: 02-05-09 077
JetForMe: This is Lara, one of the dive masters on my Great Barrier Reef dive two days before. Lo and behold, she booked today to go rafting!
JetForMe: 02-05-09 224
JetForMe: 02-05-09 221
JetForMe: P1000875
JetForMe: Our rafts being taken to the next entry point, while we ate lunch.
JetForMe: Random shot of the tour bus on our way home from rafting.
JetForMe: Our first photo op of the day.
JetForMe: P1000881
JetForMe: 02-05-09 327
JetForMe: 02-05-09 335
JetForMe: Rachel, whom I met rafting, turns out to live about 20 minutes from me back in the States!