yuturjpd: inseguro de hacerlo
yuturjpd: abanico de viento
yuturjpd: Stairs
yuturjpd: fleeting stamens
yuturjpd: ethereal breath
yuturjpd: Pleading
yuturjpd: Poesía
yuturjpd: the two faces
yuturjpd: blurred sunsets
yuturjpd: a small mole
yuturjpd: Sounds of spring
yuturjpd: El camuflaje
yuturjpd: Prince of green eyes
yuturjpd: time of bokeh
yuturjpd: The macro-observatory (macro monday cogwheel)
yuturjpd: In the wire
yuturjpd: A long winter
yuturjpd: Cold mist nets
yuturjpd: Espejo efímero (Ephemeral mirror)
yuturjpd: Sorteando la jaula
yuturjpd: hidden expectation
yuturjpd: the old twenty-eight
yuturjpd: portrait of grasshopper with olive bokeh
yuturjpd: Desmontando a Fibonacci
yuturjpd: Fases de primavera
yuturjpd: El espectador