jesuscm: 100 años viendo la vida pasar
jesuscm: a galopar! • at a gallop!
jesuscm: a la sombra de un gigante • in the shadow of a giant
jesuscm: la revolución pendiente (o el silencio de los corderos)
jesuscm: big yellow cab
jesuscm: morning train
jesuscm: in the name of God
jesuscm: the sound of music
jesuscm: skyscraper (with a white cloud)
jesuscm: mater amantisima
jesuscm: rural skyline
jesuscm: a story behind each window
jesuscm: over the rainbow
jesuscm: the Flatiron Building and Ms. Hepburn
jesuscm: NY city boy
jesuscm: memories of spring
jesuscm: Chrysler, my fav building in NY
jesuscm: forest light
jesuscm: to God what is God's and to Caesar what is Caesar
jesuscm: Grand Central Terminal
jesuscm: el fin de las vacaciones • the end of the holidays
jesuscm: Top Of The Rock
jesuscm: A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
jesuscm: sun's energy • energía del sol
jesuscm: salta/jump!
jesuscm: eyes on fire • ojos en llamas
jesuscm: monastery...or palace?
jesuscm: residential architecture IV • on the beach
jesuscm: el pan nuestro de cada día • our daily bread
jesuscm: cuantas patitas tiene la pata...?