jesuscm: [116/2015] Sunday morning on summer - Mañana de domingo en verano
jesuscm: [127/2015] symbols of Lisbon
jesuscm: [117/2015] el muro protector - the protective wall
jesuscm: [88/2015] la escalera - the stair
jesuscm: [77/2015] urban little temple
jesuscm: [106/2015] under the influence of the moon
jesuscm: [114/2015] atardecer en el monasterio - sunset at the monastery
jesuscm: [79/2015] testigos mudos - silent witnesses
jesuscm: [80/2015] one mirror of my dreams - un espejo de mis sueños
jesuscm: [112/2015] living colors
jesuscm: [57/2015] Golden Dreams
jesuscm: [101/2015] lo que queda del día - the remainder of the day
jesuscm: [109/2015] Kranhaus Buildings in Köln
jesuscm: [89/2015] Tokyo skyline at sunset
jesuscm: [52/2015] Tintin y el misterio del pez globo
jesuscm: [104/2015] Once upon a time...
jesuscm: [90/2015] símbolos de Colonia - Cologne symbols
jesuscm: [96/2015] sueños faraónicos...derroches autonómicos (I)
jesuscm: [71/2015] the unexpected gift of a rainbow
jesuscm: [70/2015] little treasure in stone - pequeño tesoro en piedra
jesuscm: [48/2015] the organised chaos - el caos organizado
jesuscm: [69/2015] city lights - luces de la ciudad
jesuscm: [46/2015] stars on earth
jesuscm: [50/2015] misty state of mind
jesuscm: [27/2015] prendiendo luces - turning on lights
jesuscm: [45/2015] entre dos mundos - between two worlds
jesuscm: [41/2015] fascinating Tokyo I fascinante Tokyo
jesuscm: [23/2015] Intolerancia/Intolerance
jesuscm: [22/2015] morning has broken
jesuscm: [39/2015] the guardians of the bridge