Jesus H. Shatner: My partner in shuffleboard mania
Jesus H. Shatner: Doug, undertaker
Jesus H. Shatner: contraption
Jesus H. Shatner: mrzarquon
Jesus H. Shatner: Ambrosia Voyeur
Jesus H. Shatner: carsonb, about to explode
Jesus H. Shatner: Stranger failing to beat Klang
Jesus H. Shatner: "And that's how I got the ass-scar."
Jesus H. Shatner: Doug is concentrating
Jesus H. Shatner: DaShiv lurks
Jesus H. Shatner: Down the board
Jesus H. Shatner: Shortly before the fistfight
Jesus H. Shatner: Planning World Domination
Jesus H. Shatner: Klang gets his throw on
Jesus H. Shatner: The Passion of the Klang