Jesus H. Shatner: Necessary supplies
Jesus H. Shatner: One giant donut
Jesus H. Shatner: dw, Secretariat, silkygreenbelly
Jesus H. Shatner: Mysterious guy, cgc373, cook dude, gingerbeer
Jesus H. Shatner: churl, solipsophistocracy, Kat Allison
Jesus H. Shatner: Fuzzy velvet winter, hidden rtha, cgc373, dw, fermion's head, tube
Jesus H. Shatner: fnord, who you suddenly realize you can see
Jesus H. Shatner: Greg Ace is ONTO YOU
Jesus H. Shatner: Awesome event manager Cat points out something to velvet winter
Jesus H. Shatner: jdroth and pb enjoy the natural light
Jesus H. Shatner: Socializin'
Jesus H. Shatner: Caduceus and Secretariat, with beer coming through
Jesus H. Shatner: Donut crime
Jesus H. Shatner: Donut criminal
Jesus H. Shatner: cortex trips the light fantastic
Jesus H. Shatner: Hurf Durf
Jesus H. Shatner: cortex enjoying himself
Jesus H. Shatner: pb and cortex are like shirt brothers or something
Jesus H. Shatner: Silhouette action
Jesus H. Shatner: Free blue shirts for everyone!
Jesus H. Shatner: Matt harrangues jdroth
Jesus H. Shatner: Crowd shot
Jesus H. Shatner: Beer and fire at the patio table
Jesus H. Shatner: Who the heck is this? It is nímwunnan!
Jesus H. Shatner: Fireside Caduceus
Jesus H. Shatner: Fireside with palmcorder_yajna and gingerbeer
Jesus H. Shatner: Fireside two-unicycles and sph._per.
Jesus H. Shatner: Fireside ???