Jesus H. Shatner: you must be this tall to put out fires
Jesus H. Shatner: picturesque buskers
Jesus H. Shatner: a librarian denied
Jesus H. Shatner: rabbit and suki
Jesus H. Shatner: trademark jess stare
Jesus H. Shatner: theo and nell
Jesus H. Shatner: the plaidster and LT
Jesus H. Shatner: jo and miko get their blur on
Jesus H. Shatner: suki watches her back
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 01
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 02
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 03
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 04
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 05
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 06
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 07
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 08
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 09
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 10
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 11
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 12
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 13
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 14
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 14a
Jesus H. Shatner: shoutout 15
Jesus H. Shatner: adminning the bathroom
Jesus H. Shatner: arty hooha
Jesus H. Shatner: lazy workers love karting
Jesus H. Shatner: jess does the slideshow thing
Jesus H. Shatner: jess and theo