jessyjames0000: birffday pic!
jessyjames0000: birfday blur
jessyjames0000: pround parent of some dead sea creatures
jessyjames0000: ami and her margarita
jessyjames0000: good job!!
jessyjames0000: o' cavern of joy
jessyjames0000: ami was like....take a picture inside of it....
jessyjames0000: my sea creature
jessyjames0000: half lobster....half crab....ALL delicious....
jessyjames0000: tail and jenny
jessyjames0000: good times
jessyjames0000: well hello delicious lobster tail
jessyjames0000: i pincer you
jessyjames0000: i pincer you too
jessyjames0000: i pincer myself
jessyjames0000: i pince you.
jessyjames0000: uuugh...stuffed
jessyjames0000: i pincer the shells
jessyjames0000: o' scampy
jessyjames0000: happy birfday!!
jessyjames0000: happy day to you!
jessyjames0000: sea creature was exploring