Burger Baroness: Barnegat Lighthouse
Burger Baroness: Barnegat Lighthouse - I think this is my favorite
Burger Baroness: The gang
Burger Baroness: The gang
Burger Baroness: Sea and sky
Burger Baroness: Sea and sky
Burger Baroness: The gang is out there
Burger Baroness: Barnegat Lighthouse
Burger Baroness: I'm obsessed with these things
Burger Baroness: Looks like a person
Burger Baroness: The gang
Burger Baroness: The gang and the wind
Burger Baroness: Monica
Burger Baroness: Walking the dog
Burger Baroness: Barnegat Lighthouse
Burger Baroness: Inside Barnegat Lighthouse
Burger Baroness: The gang at the top of the lighthouse
Burger Baroness: All smiles
Burger Baroness: I think she was mildly annoyed with me and the wind
Burger Baroness: Pretty Noelle
Burger Baroness: DSC_0115
Burger Baroness: Looking down
Burger Baroness: So windy
Burger Baroness: More pictures of people in the wind
Burger Baroness: Even more pictures of people in the wind