Liz_photo: 甜蜜山丘 / 越過山丘
Liz_photo: Gaomei Wetland 高美濕地木棧橋
Liz_photo: 虔敬 。 代天府
Liz_photo: HSR Lobby 高鐵左營站大廳
Liz_photo: 台灣土地銀行舊總行 Stroll in Taipei
Liz_photo: Rain in Cishan 旗山老街細雨
Liz_photo: Stroll in Taipei - 3
Liz_photo: corridor of time - Stroll in Taipei - 7
Liz_photo: Liberty Square 多元文化的自由廣場
Liz_photo: Gentle On My Mind 綺麗
Liz_photo: Week37: Shapes 五福橋的幾何遊戲
Liz_photo: Best Friends Forever 姊妹滔
Liz_photo: Solitude 垂釣孤寂
Liz_photo: Teatime with the Sea (In Explore) 茶飲小琉球
Liz_photo: Take These Wings 送你這對翅膀
Liz_photo: A Reason 高美濕地
Liz_photo: Where Does the Time Go
Liz_photo: X Portal ? X傳送門?
Liz_photo: Butterfly on Web of Light 羽衣翩翩
Liz_photo: Symphony - Heroes
Liz_photo: 三角湧 Old Town
Liz_photo: 垂釣山水