Jessie Dean: A Cecil in the hand...
Jessie Dean: ...would prefer the bush, to be honest.
Jessie Dean: Not crying...yet...
Jessie Dean: Okay, back to crying
Jessie Dean: Ah, there it is
Jessie Dean: Okay, we get it, Cecil...still crying...
Jessie Dean: Being cute and not crying
Jessie Dean: Thinking about crying
Jessie Dean: Remembering cryings past
Jessie Dean: Holding back the cries
Jessie Dean: I'll totally cry any second now
Jessie Dean: Ah, there it is.
Jessie Dean: Can't cry when asleep
Jessie Dean: Cecil and Rufus
Jessie Dean: Do they haz a flavur?
Jessie Dean: Cecil cuddles in bed.
Jessie Dean: Cecil shows off his toes