Jessie's home: 還沒出發,行李就滿了一大半要寄給東京的表弟
Jessie's home: 小黑與小白第一次出國
Jessie's home: 我的行李箱..去程19.3公斤
Jessie's home: 準備出發啦!
Jessie's home: 第一航廈有新餐廳囉
Jessie's home: 還有Godiva chocolate, cool!
Jessie's home: 捷星航空初體驗
Jessie's home: Jet Star airline
Jessie's home: 新加坡飛大阪,中途停台北
Jessie's home: 跟Airasia一樣大的飛機
Jessie's home: Jet Cafe Menu
Jessie's home: 看起來比Airasia好
Jessie's home: 連duty free商品也比Airasia多
Jessie's home: 這是我在航廈買的小speaker
Jessie's home: 還附贈一個皮套
Jessie's home: 傳輸線
Jessie's home: 這是要拿來連我的iphone聽音樂的
Jessie's home: Welcome to Kansai
Jessie's home: My 3rd consecutive year visiting
Jessie's home: waiting for shuttle train
Jessie's home: It's only 16:05 p.m. local time when we arrived in Osaka
Jessie's home: My travelmate - Tiffany
Jessie's home: It's our 3rd time travelling to Osaka together!
Jessie's home: Jeju Airline
Jessie's home: What a sunny day!
Jessie's home: Cathy Pacific
Jessie's home: Railway station
Jessie's home: JR and Nankai railway