JessicaWatkins: Guillermo.
JessicaWatkins: wearing my ray bans and using my camera.
JessicaWatkins: we went on a road trip, traded ray bans, weathered a biblical disaster and spent 6 hours in a hotel lobby, all within 48 hrs.
JessicaWatkins: being sneaky
JessicaWatkins: we're having some big deep conversation but i can't for the life of me remember what it was about
JessicaWatkins: Adam is such an easy model.
JessicaWatkins: Adam looks like Heath Ledger: confirm/deny?
JessicaWatkins: token sheltered Asian
JessicaWatkins: Chong is clearly mind-blown
JessicaWatkins: playing drink and go fish
JessicaWatkins: ive never seen anyone more excited to yell "go fish".
JessicaWatkins: aw, Memo's sleepy.
JessicaWatkins: Adam, what the hell is going on with your goddamned pants?
JessicaWatkins: they made me take a picture of this chick's ass
JessicaWatkins: sleepytimes