jessicafm: Tom and Mike
jessicafm: Colleen and Cindi
jessicafm: Opening day ceremonies
jessicafm: Opening day ceremonies
jessicafm: Opening day ceremonies
jessicafm: Opening day ceremonies
jessicafm: Opening day ceremonies
jessicafm: Opening day ceremonies
jessicafm: Opening day gigantic flag
jessicafm: Opening day gigantic flag
jessicafm: A sun-shiny day!
jessicafm: Chris Botti plays the national anthem
jessicafm: Here come the jets!
jessicafm: Opening day fireworks
jessicafm: Opening day fly-over
jessicafm: Opening day fly-over
jessicafm: Wrestling with the giant flag
jessicafm: Wrestling with the giant flag
jessicafm: Lowry stretches out before the game
jessicafm: Beach Blanket Babylon pregame
jessicafm: Ray Durham before the game
jessicafm: Vizquel and Matheny get their 2005 gold gloves
jessicafm: Warmup time
jessicafm: A little bonding before the game
jessicafm: Lowry warms up
jessicafm: Victor's banner's a hit!
jessicafm: Victor's banner's a hit!
jessicafm: Victor's banner's a hit!
jessicafm: Victor's banner's a hit!
jessicafm: Opening day in the bleachers