The Fear: Setting up camp
The Fear: Scouting out the area
The Fear: Bowman Lake
The Fear: Kaya surveys the scene
The Fear: Amy and Rob setting up camp
The Fear: Bowman Lake
The Fear: The view
The Fear: Wildflowers
The Fear: Peaceful
The Fear: Eben
The Fear: Trees
The Fear: Bowman Lake
The Fear: Waiting
The Fear: Bowman Lake
The Fear: Sunset
The Fear: Relax
The Fear: Jessica and Kaya
The Fear: Island
The Fear: Bowman Lake
The Fear: Snow and waterfalls
The Fear: Butterfly
The Fear: Showoff
The Fear: Hard at work
The Fear: Happy face
The Fear: King of the mountain
The Fear: Eben and Jessica
The Fear: Wrong turn
The Fear: Dam you, Bowman Lake
The Fear: Bowman Lake
The Fear: Wildflower