anewfoundjess: Lock shop
anewfoundjess: IMG_8783
anewfoundjess: IMG_8743
anewfoundjess: Plague of Dandelions.
anewfoundjess: IMG_8640
anewfoundjess: IMG_8649
anewfoundjess: One way.
anewfoundjess: IMG_8815
anewfoundjess: Fenced off.
anewfoundjess: IMG_8816
anewfoundjess: GOING UP.
anewfoundjess: Building 127
anewfoundjess: Abandoned.
anewfoundjess: Rancho Los Amigos - abandoned.
anewfoundjess: Workshop.
anewfoundjess: Stuck in time.
anewfoundjess: IMG_8722
anewfoundjess: Nature taking back the land.
anewfoundjess: territory.
anewfoundjess: towering