jessica anne matthies: Sock-Boot Fantasticness: in progress
jessica anne matthies: Sock-Boot Fantasticness
jessica anne matthies: toque and glove-in-progress
jessica anne matthies: 1: It's monday night and she's got a box
jessica anne matthies: 2: AHA! Why, a puppet theatre, of course!
jessica anne matthies: 3: a box on a box
jessica anne matthies: 4: Set design
jessica anne matthies: 5: Set design
jessica anne matthies: 6: Slicing with a vengeance
jessica anne matthies: 7: What have i gotten myself into?
jessica anne matthies: 9: The Couch-box Puppet Theatre!
jessica anne matthies: one branch of the Aspen Chandelier completed
jessica anne matthies: making the Aspen Chandelier
jessica anne matthies: making the Aspen Chandelier
jessica anne matthies: halloween 2010
jessica anne matthies: crazy quilt stained glass
jessica anne matthies: crazy quilt stained glass
jessica anne matthies: Lunch kit! Tiffin, cutlery pack, + napkin
jessica anne matthies: Lunch kit! Now with tiffin carrier!