jessereynolds: 2 days of initial fermentation
jessereynolds: 2 days of initial fermentation - a bit whiffy and some brown stuff in the crevaces, it's very wobbly
jessereynolds: 2 days of initial fermentation - a bit whiffy and some brown stuff in the crevaces
jessereynolds: I took the top layer off. Now it smells nice and sweet.
jessereynolds: After mixing 105g of wholemeal and 105g of rain water back into the starter
jessereynolds: After mixing 105g of wholemeal and 105g of rain water back into the starter
jessereynolds: Ready to ferment some more.
jessereynolds: Day 4 and it's kinda purple on top
jessereynolds: Day 4, you can see a layer of liquid near the bottom
jessereynolds: Day 4 and it's kinda purple on top
jessereynolds: Day 4 - this is the stuff I took off the top as it was purple
jessereynolds: Day 4 - this is the what was left after I took the top off
jessereynolds: Day 4 - mixed up good stuff
jessereynolds: Day 4 - Mixed up the good stuff with new flour and water in a fresh, larger bowl
jessereynolds: Day 5 - feed now?
jessereynolds: Day 5 - feed now?
jessereynolds: Day 5 - feed now?