Jesse Layne: 30 second exposure in the darkness!
Jesse Layne: Pink Flowers and Stuff
Jesse Layne: 20 second Exposure in even more Dark!
Jesse Layne: 60 second Exposure in the Dark!
Jesse Layne: Red Flowers and Bokeh
Jesse Layne: White Flowers and Blue stuff
Jesse Layne: Yellow Flowers and Such
Jesse Layne: More Purdy Flowers
Jesse Layne: Pretty Whites Ones
Jesse Layne: Pink Flowers and Bokeh
Jesse Layne: Purdy Flowers
Jesse Layne: Colors
Jesse Layne: Spaceman
Jesse Layne: Ben Chillin'
Jesse Layne: Ben and Pizza
Jesse Layne: Nathan in the Mirror
Jesse Layne: Nathan and Pizza
Jesse Layne: Wolf Hat!
Jesse Layne: Fuzzy Flower
Jesse Layne: Michael carrying Zeke across the creek
Jesse Layne: Devil's Creek
Jesse Layne: Poet for Hire
Jesse Layne: More Fungi
Jesse Layne: The Cabin!
Jesse Layne: Throwing Snow Balls
Jesse Layne: Hand, Smoke, and Light