jessek: Paul Rand logo for Cummins
jessek: Best stamp so far
jessek: Saddest bike
jessek: Dragonlord!
jessek: Jolt Energy Drink: The Official Soda of Meth
jessek: Microsoft excel for circa 1920
jessek: Steve French
jessek: Defused bomb
jessek: Barbituate guide
jessek: Giant pallete of de-comm'd sun machines
jessek: photo
jessek: mutant bike
jessek: True love doesn't hurt
jessek: Twilight Mom?
jessek: Haven't seen one of these in a grip, it's even doubled sided, high density for a rockin' 1.2 mb total!
jessek: Foreigner: worse than Spinal Tap
jessek: Abstinence = freedom? What does 2+2=5 as well?
jessek: Lost afropick
jessek: Sherriff Tank
jessek: As Eddie Money would say "Two Tickets to Paradise"
jessek: Now that's an old piece of shit. It's Qualcomm and USWest?
jessek: No idea.
jessek: Life, the universe and everything at a sandwich shop
jessek: Clear TV for prisoners
jessek: Old KTCL Poster
jessek: Old Ledger at Larimer County Treasurer's Office
jessek: Remember when the "blown away" guy was used to sell tapes?
jessek: Looks like shaggy and scooby had to get their tags renewed.
jessek: confiscated pipes and bongs