jessek: iPhone camera test
jessek: Poutine!!!
jessek: Kooky Christians...
jessek: Goodwill: The Elephant Graveyard of Design Books
jessek: Need a copy of the da Vinci code?
jessek: Harry Pooper
jessek: Some shitty chinese made knockoff of the wii.
jessek: Learn how to type... by listening to an LP?
jessek: Boy George mug
jessek: Awesome sign type
jessek: Bruce Scheier speaking at Defcon
jessek: Two wolves and papyrus
jessek: PDP-11
jessek: Terminal for the PDP-11
jessek: Adam Savage at Defcon
jessek: The game that killed videogames almost
jessek: E.T. at the Defcon retro room
jessek: In-N-Out
jessek: A redneck for single payer
jessek: Teabagger desecrating the flag
jessek: Raphael's Roll o' Euros
jessek: Porno carrot
jessek: WTF, amazon marketplace seller...
jessek: Anarchist 5k?
jessek: Horrible bootleg NIN sticker
jessek: Fallout shelter
jessek: Keep calm
jessek: Weird plant left on a newspaper box
jessek: Hmm
jessek: Nice tagger name, "retard"