JesseGill: Jesse Graduation 5-09 031
JesseGill: Thanksgiving
JesseGill: Gotta shave, gotta get glasses
JesseGill: _Now I'm gonna tell you the what's the deal..._
JesseGill: Cawphee
JesseGill: IMG00025-20091221-1340
JesseGill: IMG00026-20091221-1343
JesseGill: IMG00027-20091221-1350
JesseGill: IMG00028-20091221-1408
JesseGill: IMG00029-20091221-1412
JesseGill: IMG00032-20091221-1455
JesseGill: For ~o)
JesseGill: IMG00036-20091222-1343
JesseGill: IMG00039-20091225-1113
JesseGill: IMG00040-20091225-1223
JesseGill: IMG00041-20091225-1226
JesseGill: SawCage
JesseGill: Rice
JesseGill: You'll always be a slacker McFly
JesseGill: IMG00089-20100110-1737
JesseGill: IMG00012-20100202-2317
JesseGill: Always write this number on the top
JesseGill: IMG00039-20100221-1443
JesseGill: IMG00049-20100222-1301
JesseGill: IMG00050-20100222-1304
JesseGill: IMG00083-20100307-0103
JesseGill: Cat got a rabbit
JesseGill: this bird was smashed somehow
JesseGill: cupcake
JesseGill: kate