Jesse&Lisa: Road Trip Tubing Gummi Bear
Jesse&Lisa: Teddy the Table Dog
Jesse&Lisa: Walking Somewhere
Jesse&Lisa: Piece
Jesse&Lisa: Piece
Jesse&Lisa: Pizza Time at Piece
Jesse&Lisa: Modern Wing of the Art Institute
Jesse&Lisa: Grand Staircase
Jesse&Lisa: Lisa in the Institute
Jesse&Lisa: Andrew Poses for his Painting
Jesse&Lisa: Movie Heliocopter
Jesse&Lisa: On the Steps Setting Up the Shot
Jesse&Lisa: The Shot, that missed Lisa
Jesse&Lisa: Millenium Park
Jesse&Lisa: Millenium Park
Jesse&Lisa: The Bean
Jesse&Lisa: The Bean
Jesse&Lisa: The Bean
Jesse&Lisa: The Bean
Jesse&Lisa: Then Bean
Jesse&Lisa: The Bean
Jesse&Lisa: 22/?
Jesse&Lisa: The Bean
Jesse&Lisa: The Bean Skyline
Jesse&Lisa: The Bean
Jesse&Lisa: The Bean Wedding Party
Jesse&Lisa: The Bean
Jesse&Lisa: The Bean
Jesse&Lisa: The Bean
Jesse&Lisa: The Bean Skyline