Jesse&Lisa: we're here firset
Jesse&Lisa: so we'll take some pictures
Jesse&Lisa: all by ourselves
Jesse&Lisa: oo richard showed up
Jesse&Lisa: We will eat this
Jesse&Lisa: then my finger ...
Jesse&Lisa: its this funny
Jesse&Lisa: mmm whats that on the dessert menu
Jesse&Lisa: we ate all of the bread
Jesse&Lisa: mmm Meat
Jesse&Lisa: its not that funny
Jesse&Lisa: where should we look
Jesse&Lisa: Where did the food go
Jesse&Lisa: Dinner is all over
Jesse&Lisa: Lets get this pose started
Jesse&Lisa: Look at those fish
Jesse&Lisa: We're all here
Jesse&Lisa: Or is It
Jesse&Lisa: It's time to go
Jesse&Lisa: It Might Be
Jesse&Lisa: Is That a Moose!!
Jesse&Lisa: 99/365