Jess and Colin: Berry-ful
Jess and Colin: Filling
Jess and Colin: DSC_4489
Jess and Colin: Prepared
Jess and Colin: Filled
Jess and Colin: Applying the Crumble
Jess and Colin: Ready to Bake
Jess and Colin: Pre-Cooking: Macro
Jess and Colin: Pre-Cooking: Whole
Jess and Colin: Day 216: Mission Pie Contest Tartlet
Jess and Colin: Plated
Jess and Colin: Cutting I
Jess and Colin: Cutting II
Jess and Colin: Not Pretty, but Damn Tasty
Jess and Colin: Pies Galore
Jess and Colin: Bounty
Jess and Colin: Post-Pie Contest: Breakfast All Day
Jess and Colin: DSC_4530
Jess and Colin: DSC_4533