jessabean910: minnie sleeping in the window
jessabean910: mickey and totie
jessabean910: me in the car on the way to maine
jessabean910: bee driving
jessabean910: this is what a stupid rock did
jessabean910: the room
jessabean910: me and bee's bed lol we're slobs
jessabean910: the rest of the room
jessabean910: the living room
jessabean910: the dining room and bee
jessabean910: we're nuts
jessabean910: outside the condos
jessabean910: theres our condo!
jessabean910: it was windy
jessabean910: me and bee in the wind
jessabean910: bee's car
jessabean910: me and carolyn at dinner
jessabean910: carolyn and narn
jessabean910: LOVE this pic. lol
jessabean910: how cute
jessabean910: bee and her mommy
jessabean910: oooh this was sooo good
jessabean910: lol carolyn and i look like we're dancin
jessabean910: me and bee
jessabean910: bees bday cake!!!
jessabean910: muahhhh
jessabean910: hahaha