jessabean: Thistles
jessabean: Dunfermline Abbey
jessabean: Dunfermline Abbey
jessabean: Dunfermline Abbey
jessabean: Bridge and the forth
jessabean: View from North Bridge
jessabean: Edinburgh Castle Entrance
jessabean: Edinburgh Castle Entrance
jessabean: Zinn and the cannon
jessabean: At Edinburgh Castle
jessabean: View from Edinburgh Castle
jessabean: Bagpiper at Edinburgh Castle
jessabean: Ironwork
jessabean: In the Great Hall
jessabean: In the Great Hall
jessabean: In the Great Hall
jessabean: In the Great Hall
jessabean: Working at the flat
jessabean: Working at the flat
jessabean: The whole crew
jessabean: Evening activity
jessabean: Jeff's birthday festivity
jessabean: Mr. Wiggles
jessabean: Getting ready for birthday surprise
jessabean: Gloomy castle
jessabean: Princes Street Gardens
jessabean: Princes Street Gardens
jessabean: Princes Street Gardens
jessabean: Princes Street Gardens
jessabean: Princes Street Gardens