Different Seasons Jewelry: Annes Amber RIng 1
Different Seasons Jewelry: Gem SIlica in Quartz
Different Seasons Jewelry: Gem silica in quartz w/ 14K White Gold Earrings.
Different Seasons Jewelry: Detail Shot~ Sunflower Ring
Different Seasons Jewelry: Mark's Blue Gembone Inlay Ring
Different Seasons Jewelry: Mark's Blue Gembone Inlay Ring
Different Seasons Jewelry: Texas petrified palm 4
Different Seasons Jewelry: Texas petrified palm 3
Different Seasons Jewelry: Texas petrified palm 2
Different Seasons Jewelry: Texas petrified palm 1
Different Seasons Jewelry: Texas all trimmed up
Different Seasons Jewelry: Crystal opal set in 22k, 24k granule accents and pierced sterling base with overlay.
Different Seasons Jewelry: crystal opal brooch 02
Different Seasons Jewelry: crystal brooch 03
Different Seasons Jewelry: Work In Progress… Mark's newest gembone pendant.
Different Seasons Jewelry: IMG_6924~ Madagascar Labradorite Slabs.
Different Seasons Jewelry: Rough Draft Design Sketch & Wing Set 1
Different Seasons Jewelry: Rough Draft 2.