jeschnotes: Saul Kaplan (BIF)
jeschnotes: Carne Ross (Independent Diplomat)
jeschnotes: Robin Chase (Buzzcar)
jeschnotes: Andrew Hessel (Autodesk)
jeschnotes: Darell Hammond (KaBOOM!)
jeschnotes: David Stull (Oberlin)
jeschnotes: Jeremy Heimans (Purpose)
jeschnotes: Sherry Turkle (MIT)
jeschnotes: Jeffrey Sparr (PeaceLove)
jeschnotes: Marc Freedman (Civic Ventures)
jeschnotes: Lara Lee (Continuum)
jeschnotes: Dries Buytaert (Drupal)
jeschnotes: Tony Hsieh (Zappos)
jeschnotes: Nicholas Lowinger (Gotta Have Soul Foundation)
jeschnotes: Hillary Swanson (Providence After School Alliance)
jeschnotes: Valdis Krebs (
jeschnotes: Tom Yorton (Second City)
jeschnotes: Teny Gross (Institute for Study and Practice of Nonviolence)
jeschnotes: Susan Schulman (SYPartners)
jeschnotes: Dave Gray (Dachis Group)
jeschnotes: Felice Frankel (MIT)
jeschnotes: Nancy Schlichting (Henry Ford Health System)
jeschnotes: Michael Harsh (GE Healthcare)
jeschnotes: James Gardner (Spigit)
jeschnotes: Jeff Lieberman (Discovery Channel)
jeschnotes: John Donoghue (Brown University)
jeschnotes: Brandon Barnett (Intel)
jeschnotes: Carol Coletta (ArtPlace)
jeschnotes: Rachel Shuster (Kids Care Club HHH)
jeschnotes: Simon Majumdar (Food Network)