Jill Slater: Christmas Trees Under the Subway
Jill Slater: under-the-subway-people
Jill Slater: Naples Terrace Namesake
Jill Slater: 99c USA
Jill Slater: iron fence
Jill Slater: FLAT FIX
Jill Slater: Birds Fly Away
Jill Slater: Some pigeons who found a dry spot in the road
Jill Slater: Grandma on the Porch
Jill Slater: I never see this many citi bikes in the racks in the middle of the day, I guess its the snow
Jill Slater: Ice Ladder
Jill Slater: Live Oak
Jill Slater: Grand Army Plaza
Jill Slater: Snow on the Tracks
Jill Slater: Fifth Avenue
Jill Slater: view from my bedroom
Jill Slater: XYZ Buildings, Sixth Avenue
Jill Slater: 8AM, 0 Degrees (F)
Jill Slater: just a subway stop with a barber shop in it
Jill Slater: walking to work
Jill Slater: waiting for my bagel
Jill Slater: Conservatory in Black and White
Jill Slater: Cactus
Jill Slater: Lincoln Center
Jill Slater: when garbage day and recycling day collide
Jill Slater: looking for lizards
Jill Slater: Rae loses her baby fat, but her cheeks continue to grow.