Jill Slater: a day dream
Jill Slater: A Little Lady at the Ladies' Border
Jill Slater: Cardinal Flower
Jill Slater: pineapple fruit
Jill Slater: long greenhouse
Jill Slater: Bethesda Terrace
Jill Slater: Autumn at The Lodge
Jill Slater: Rae is obsessed with lens caps
Jill Slater: Sunset
Jill Slater: I wish I could read her mind
Jill Slater: Mel at Balkanika
Jill Slater: Through the Trees
Jill Slater: Lotus Park
Jill Slater: The day Rae fell in the Washington Square Fountain aka Gay Pride Parade Day
Jill Slater: mondrian in orange
Jill Slater: United Steelworkers Building
Jill Slater: pittsburgh autumn
Jill Slater: Rae on the Incline
Jill Slater: Incline
Jill Slater: PJ PPG PGH