Jerzy Drozd: 12/12 Project Bags
Jerzy Drozd: Mark's New Card Set
Jerzy Drozd: Sneak Peek
Jerzy Drozd: Sneak Peak 2
Jerzy Drozd: Dino West--Complete!
Jerzy Drozd: The Tiny Astronaut Banner
Jerzy Drozd: Putting Dino West Together
Jerzy Drozd: Box Full O' Minis
Jerzy Drozd: Tiny Astonaut TheT-Shirt
Jerzy Drozd: Dino Engineer Cards
Jerzy Drozd: Lovely day for a drive to Detroit.
Jerzy Drozd: Setting up
Jerzy Drozd: All set!
Jerzy Drozd: The display
Jerzy Drozd: Starin' @ the ceiling
Jerzy Drozd: The art fair floor
Jerzy Drozd: Mark is thoughtful.
Jerzy Drozd: Vegan Lunch
Jerzy Drozd: A little bit of all right
Jerzy Drozd: The Tiny Astronaut Table
Jerzy Drozd: Weird blue light
Jerzy Drozd: Another shot of the DUCF floor
Jerzy Drozd: Another shot of the DUCF floor