Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment Begins - #1
Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment #2 - The Bag of Tiny Things
Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment #3 - Anne Peruses The Headlines
Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment #4 - We Draw From The Headlines
Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment #5 - Anne At Work
Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment #6 - Mark At Work
Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment #7 - Jerzy's Pencils
Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment #8 - Hard At Work!
Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment #9 - The Props And Strips
Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment #10 - All The Props
Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment #11 - Anne Paints
Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment #12 - Anne Paints Some More
Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment #13 - Anne's Strip Completed
Jerzy Drozd: The Big Experiment #14 - Mark's Strip Completed
Jerzy Drozd: A look inside of 12/12
Jerzy Drozd: 12/12 Complete!