Deb Felmey: it takes gull
Deb Felmey: Dinner to go
Deb Felmey: floating IN to the nest
Deb Felmey: Fly catcher
Deb Felmey: Peek a boo.....
Deb Felmey: Nest in progress
Deb Felmey: Thistle Do....
Deb Felmey: Thistle or that....
Deb Felmey: Spread 'em
Deb Felmey: sweet snack
Deb Felmey: Sitting on the dock of the bay.......
Deb Felmey: Grosbeak or Indigo?
Deb Felmey: Bird who knows his bounds...
Deb Felmey: Balancing act
Deb Felmey: it's a bird, it's a bee......
Deb Felmey: Playing with your food
Deb Felmey: Double trouble!
Deb Felmey: watcha lookin' at?
Deb Felmey: Hanging out......
Deb Felmey: Balancing Act
Deb Felmey: Not to be outdone
Deb Felmey: Mad Balancing Skills
Deb Felmey: Flounder - to go!
Deb Felmey: Feathers and foam
Deb Felmey: walkin' the walk
Deb Felmey: On the fence
Deb Felmey: Bad day for the fish
Deb Felmey: Wind beneath his wings
Deb Felmey: Town Crier
Deb Felmey: one fly off to the cuckoo's nest