Jerusalem Prayer Team: Message of God's Abundance - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Not I but Christ - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Message of God's Abundance - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: The Lord Jesus will make you victorious - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Message of God's Abundance - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Message of God's Abundance - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: I Stand at the Door and Knock - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Keep looking up and kneeling down - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Love is larger than the walls which shut it in - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Reflections of God's glory - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Message of God's Abundance - Corrie Ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Not, I but Christ - Corrien Ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Don't bother to give God instructions; just report for duty - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: When I try, I fail. When I trust, He succeeds - Corrie ten Boom Quote
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Your love in me is stronger than the hatred - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: I know that the experiences of our lives - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Messages of God's Abundance - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Not I but Christ - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Messages of God's Abundance - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Messages of God's Abundance - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: The Hiding Place - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: we may still stand our ground - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: He will give us to do - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: The best is yet to come, when we see Jesus face-to-face - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: God never measures the mind - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: The Hiding Place - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: The Hiding Place - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Is prayer your steering wheel or you spare tire - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden - Corrie ten Boom
Jerusalem Prayer Team: Clippings from My Notebook - Corrie ten Boom