jerushalom: Ihab Balha and Saar Shaked
jerushalom: Lee Ziv holds a little one
jerushalom: Preparing food for the many guests
jerushalom: Jews and Arabs prepare meals together
jerushalom: Serving coffee from the kitchen
jerushalom: Leila Manasra
jerushalom: The Welcome Center
jerushalom: Marc Gopin speaks on forgiveness in Judaism
jerushalom: Sheikh Bukhari and Geshe-la have a laugh
jerushalom: Haj Ibrahim and Sheikh Bukhari
jerushalom: From our interfaith panel on forgiveness
jerushalom: From the inter-religious panel
jerushalom: Little one wears 'love your neighbor as yourself'
jerushalom: 'Together for ever'
jerushalom: Ibrahim with Trappist monks from Latrun
jerushalom: The Catholic Trappist monks sing
jerushalom: Father Paul is on the right
jerushalom: 'Religion and Ecology' Interfaith panel discussion
jerushalom: Listening in on lively discussion on ecology
jerushalom: Michael Kagan poses question from Talmud, 'would it have been better if man had not been created?'
jerushalom: Sheikh Mahmoud on ecology in the Qur'an
jerushalom: Geshe-la on concepts of ecology in Buddhism
jerushalom: Rabbi Ohad Ezrahi
jerushalom: Dr. Uwe Graber, Ecology in the Christian view
jerushalom: Our Religion and Ecology panel
jerushalom: A relevant topic, religion and ecology
jerushalom: In the interfaith prayer and dialogue tent, packed audiences
jerushalom: Prof. Marc Gopin, speaks of his missions for peace to Syria
jerushalom: Religions talk peace
jerushalom: Haj Ibrahim joins our panel