Jerry Ting: Wood Duck couple
Jerry Ting: the ghost's stare
Jerry Ting: Wilson's Phalarope feeding on Brine Flies
Jerry Ting: Red-necked Stint
Jerry Ting: Great Horned Owls
Jerry Ting: Bar-tailed Godwit vs Long-billed Curlew
Jerry Ting: Pectoral Sandpiper
Jerry Ting: Ring-necked Pheasant
Jerry Ting: three of a kind
Jerry Ting: Audubon's Warbler
Jerry Ting: Eared Grebes
Jerry Ting: Fernando. The Flamingo of Coyote Hills.
Jerry Ting: Black Oystercatcher
Jerry Ting: Black Tern
Jerry Ting: double skims
Jerry Ting: baby stilt
Jerry Ting: Long-billed Dowitcher
Jerry Ting: Cassin's Kingbird
Jerry Ting: Oak Titmouse
Jerry Ting: Say's Phoebe (adult and juvenile)
Jerry Ting: Common Mergansers
Jerry Ting: Tilt-headed Rofous-crowned
Jerry Ting: baby Killdeer
Jerry Ting: SESA vs WESA
Jerry Ting: Black-throated Gray Warbler (female)
Jerry Ting: a fluffy yellow furball
Jerry Ting: American Kestrel (female)
Jerry Ting: Lewis's Woodpecker
Jerry Ting: Clay-colored Sparrow (immature)
Jerry Ting: Wandering Tattler