Jerry Ting:
Sandhill Crane
Jerry Ting:
Black-belliws Whistling Duck
Jerry Ting:
Indigo Bunting (male)
Jerry Ting:
Red-headed Woodpecker
Jerry Ting:
White Ibis
Jerry Ting:
White-crowned Pigeon
Jerry Ting:
Snowy Owl (2012 irruptive year)
Jerry Ting:
Laughing Gulls
Jerry Ting:
Prairie Warbler
Jerry Ting:
White-headed Woodpecker (male)
Jerry Ting:
Gray Catbird
Jerry Ting:
Allen's Hummingbird (adult male)
Jerry Ting:
Peregrine Falcon (adult ssp. anatum)
Jerry Ting:
White-tailed Kite (juvenile)
Jerry Ting:
Jerry Ting:
Merry Christmas
Jerry Ting:
Northern Flicker (yellow shafted male)
Jerry Ting:
Royal Terns
Jerry Ting:
American Tree Sparrow
Jerry Ting:
Jerry Ting:
Evening Grosbeak
Jerry Ting:
Wilson's Phalaropes - take I
Jerry Ting:
Wilson's Phalaropes - take II
Jerry Ting:
Wilson's Phalaropes - take III
Jerry Ting:
Wilson's Phalaropes - take IV
Jerry Ting:
Wilson's Phalaropes - take V
Jerry Ting:
Willets and Godwits
Jerry Ting:
The Blue Hour Serenade