Jerry Ting:
Greater White-fronted Goose (with hissing companies)
Jerry Ting:
Cackling Goose (Aleutian)
Jerry Ting:
female Wood Duck and her brood
Jerry Ting:
(Muscovy Duck) singing in the rain
Jerry Ting:
Jerry Ting:
Tropical Kingbird
Jerry Ting:
Blue-winged Teal
Jerry Ting:
Black & Ruddy Turnstone
Jerry Ting:
American Herring Gull (2nd cycle)
Jerry Ting:
Cedar Waxwing
Jerry Ting:
Glaucous Gull (1st cycle)
Jerry Ting:
(possible) Kumlien's Gull (2nd cycle)?
Jerry Ting:
Pie-billed Grebe
Jerry Ting:
Long-billed Curlew
Jerry Ting:
Thayer's Gull (1st cycle)
Jerry Ting:
side-lighted GBHE
Jerry Ting:
Sooty FOSP
Jerry Ting:
AWPE landing
Jerry Ting:
SPSA on log
Jerry Ting:
Common Yellowthroat
Jerry Ting:
Green-winged Teal
Jerry Ting:
308/978 - Purple Finch, Nectar Garden
Jerry Ting:
Incoming COGOs
Jerry Ting:
(red-shafted male) Northern Flicker
Jerry Ting:
Oak Titmouse
Jerry Ting:
Spotted Towhee
Jerry Ting:
White-breasted Nuthatch
Jerry Ting:
Jerry Ting:
Canyon Wren
Jerry Ting:
Rock Wren