Jerry Ting: Green-winged Teal display
Jerry Ting: 236/978 - Tricolored Blackbird, Chochenyo Trail
Jerry Ting: 238/978 - Burrowing Owl, Nike Trail
Jerry Ting: Herring Gull
Jerry Ting: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Jerry Ting: Loggerhead Shrike
Jerry Ting: White-winged Scoter (Melanitta deglandi)
Jerry Ting: Red-breasted Merganser
Jerry Ting: Mew Gull
Jerry Ting: Heermann's Gull
Jerry Ting: Marbled Godwit
Jerry Ting: Whimbrel
Jerry Ting: Black Turnstones
Jerry Ting: Red-necked Grebe
Jerry Ting: Common Gallinule
Jerry Ting: Short-eared Owl (stitched image)
Jerry Ting: running quail
Jerry Ting: Ferruginous Hawk (adult) - underwing details
Jerry Ting: American Wigeon
Jerry Ting: Western Gull
Jerry Ting: Charlie & Angels
Jerry Ting: Green & Red
Jerry Ting: possible Mallard x Spot-billed Duck Hybrid??
Jerry Ting: Handle with care
Jerry Ting: Common and Uncommon
Jerry Ting: the face of a young harrier
Jerry Ting: White-tailed Kite
Jerry Ting: Rufous Hummingbird (male)
Jerry Ting: Great-tailed Grackle