Jerry Ting: Loggerhead Shrike
Jerry Ting: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea)
Jerry Ting: White-tailed Kite
Jerry Ting: Western Meadowlark
Jerry Ting: Portrait of a young RTH
Jerry Ting: California Towhee
Jerry Ting: Bewick's Wren
Jerry Ting: Northern Mockingbird
Jerry Ting: Say's Phoebe
Jerry Ting: Peregrine Falcon
Jerry Ting: Kestrel
Jerry Ting: Nuttall's Woodpecker
Jerry Ting: Great Egret
Jerry Ting: Northern Harrier
Jerry Ting: Great Horned Owl
Jerry Ting: Turkey Vulture
Jerry Ting: Snowy
Jerry Ting: Hermit Thrush
Jerry Ting: Dark-eyed Junco "Oregon" thurberi (male)
Jerry Ting: Spotted Towhee
Jerry Ting: Black Phoebe
Jerry Ting: Emerald
Jerry Ting: Gadwall
Jerry Ting: Killdeer
Jerry Ting: the taste of berries
Jerry Ting: Blue on Green
Jerry Ting: Song Sparrow