Jerry Ting: Peregrine Falcon
Jerry Ting: Northern Harrier
Jerry Ting: Osprey
Jerry Ting: Cooper's Hawk
Jerry Ting: Red-shouldered Hawk
Jerry Ting: a 40-minute photo session with AK
Jerry Ting: Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii)
Jerry Ting: Say's Phoebe
Jerry Ting: Hybrid of Hooded Merganser & Barrow's Goldeneye
Jerry Ting: NAB#P46-2 Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica)
Jerry Ting: Common Goldeneye (male)
Jerry Ting: Spotted Towhee
Jerry Ting: Dark-eyed Junco
Jerry Ting: Horned Grebe
Jerry Ting: Ring-necked Duck (male)
Jerry Ting: Loggerhead Shrike
Jerry Ting: Northern Mockingbird
Jerry Ting: Marbled Godwit
Jerry Ting: Mourning Dove
Jerry Ting: Willet
Jerry Ting: Greater Scaup (female)
Jerry Ting: Anna's Hummingbird
Jerry Ting: Greater Yellowlegs
Jerry Ting: Pie-billed Grebe
Jerry Ting: NAB#P34-3 Northern Pintail (Anas acuta)
Jerry Ting: Green-winged Teal
Jerry Ting: Brown Pelican
Jerry Ting: Double-crested Cormorant
Jerry Ting: Western Gull
Jerry Ting: California Clapper Rail