Jerry Ting: Sun Comes Down at Sibley
Jerry Ting: Sunset Light over Hills
Jerry Ting: Pink Clouds
Jerry Ting: The Labyrinth
Jerry Ting: lone tree
Jerry Ting: Last Light on Wildflowers
Jerry Ting: Oakland Suburban Living
Jerry Ting: Needful Things
Jerry Ting: trail
Jerry Ting: imperfect yet still pretty
Jerry Ting: Purple Nightshade (Solanum xanti)
Jerry Ting: Ithuriel's Spear (Triteleia laxa)
Jerry Ting: Sunset at Sibley
Jerry Ting: hikers on the hill
Jerry Ting: Flaring Grassland
Jerry Ting: The Golden Moment
Jerry Ting: Trail
Jerry Ting: Layered Landscape
Jerry Ting: Sunset at Sibley
Jerry Ting: Pink and Orange clouds
Jerry Ting: View of Diablo from Sibley
Jerry Ting: silhouettes (man vs nature)
Jerry Ting: The Labyrinth
Jerry Ting: Ithuriel's Spear (Triteleia laxa)
Jerry Ting: Narrow-leaf Mule's Ear
Jerry Ting: Mayweed (Anthemis cotula)
Jerry Ting: Sibley's Sunset