Jerry Ting:
Jerry Ting:
Yellow Warbler
Jerry Ting:
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Jerry Ting:
Orange-crowned Warbler
Jerry Ting:
Fox Sparrow
Jerry Ting:
??? Sparrow
Jerry Ting:
Common Murre (Uria aalge)
Jerry Ting:
Avocet in flight
Jerry Ting:
Long-billed Curlew
Jerry Ting:
Avocet in golden waves
Jerry Ting:
Bokeh! Bokeh! Bokeh!
Jerry Ting:
Confrontation with Avocet
Jerry Ting:
Side by Side
Jerry Ting:
still water
Jerry Ting:
4 Marbled Godwits
Jerry Ting:
lazing on a saturday morning
Jerry Ting:
Common Checkered Skipper (Pyrgus communis)
Jerry Ting:
Guardian (I)
Jerry Ting:
When Harrier Comes
Jerry Ting:
Guardian (II)
Jerry Ting:
motion and reflections
Jerry Ting:
Still Water
Jerry Ting:
shorebird united
Jerry Ting:
Shower of Sandpipers
Jerry Ting:
fast moving fur balls
Jerry Ting:
over still water
Jerry Ting:
OOO (Odd One Out)
Jerry Ting:
Great Egret's Playground
Jerry Ting:
stop and watch the show
Jerry Ting:
Willet Silhouettes