Jerry Ting: GBH Silhouette
Jerry Ting: grumpy gbh
Jerry Ting: bad hair day
Jerry Ting: green in flight
Jerry Ting: Too big to handle
Jerry Ting: green6
Jerry Ting: green4
Jerry Ting: Green Heron In Flight
Jerry Ting: Black-crowned Night-Heron
Jerry Ting: GBH Profile Shot
Jerry Ting: Green Heron
Jerry Ting: GBH in flight
Jerry Ting: Green Heron Feeding
Jerry Ting: Black-crowned Night-Heron
Jerry Ting: Green Heron
Jerry Ting: Balance Bar (GBH)
Jerry Ting: Indecent GBH
Jerry Ting: green heron
Jerry Ting: gbh and american black duck
Jerry Ting: Black-crowned Night-Heron (juvenile)