Jerry Ting: Shout XI (Forster's Tern)
Jerry Ting: Sing for the day (Forster's Tern)
Jerry Ting: Forster's Tern
Jerry Ting: Forster's Tern
Jerry Ting: Forster's
Jerry Ting: Forster's Tern
Jerry Ting: Forster's Tern
Jerry Ting: Splash
Jerry Ting: Splashes
Jerry Ting: happy meal
Jerry Ting: twist in the air
Jerry Ting: A 7-second photo session with Forster's
Jerry Ting: symmetric
Jerry Ting: forster's
Jerry Ting: Forster's
Jerry Ting: Forster's Capture
Jerry Ting: DSC_0239
Jerry Ting: DSC_0062
Jerry Ting: DSC_0240
Jerry Ting: Happy Meal
Jerry Ting: The Calling
Jerry Ting: Retrieve in the air (part III)
Jerry Ting: Moment before the impact
Jerry Ting: Retrieve in the air (part II)
Jerry Ting: Retrieve in the air (part I)
Jerry Ting: Forster's