jerrysnow1: Without letting others in we do not grow (1)
jerrysnow1: What it also is...
jerrysnow1: Old age is like a minefield copy
jerrysnow1: Love_You cannot be taught love... you can only breathe it in and absorb it
jerrysnow1: If the road is rough and we are without shoes, it is our genes that devlop calluses on our soles
jerrysnow1: Duendecompare copy
jerrysnow1: Day of the Dead 3
jerrysnow1: Awe & Mystical Experience_Awe is the most “spiritual” of the positive emotions…spirituality is not primarily about God but about the sacred
jerrysnow1: Adult development is like a stone dropped in a pond
jerrysnow1: 260701_1
jerrysnow1: 156_5698
jerrysnow1: 142_4294
jerrysnow1: _MG_9651
jerrysnow1: First Day @ Esalen
jerrysnow1: _MG_5727
jerrysnow1: _MG_2855
jerrysnow1: _MG_0517