Jerry Greer Photography:
Snow covered tree and ravens, Flint Mountain
Jerry Greer Photography:
Winter forest, Flint Mountain
Jerry Greer Photography:
Winter forest, Flint Mountain
Jerry Greer Photography:
Winter storm and heavy snow, Flint Mountain
Jerry Greer Photography:
Between bands of heavy snow the storm reveals a forest masterpiece, Flint Mountain
Jerry Greer Photography:
White Snakeroot (Eupatorium rugosum) and flowing grass, Roan Hig
Jerry Greer Photography:
Late summer beech forest and Whorled wood aster (Aster acuminatu
Jerry Greer Photography:
The endangered Roan Mountain Goldenrod (Solidago roanensis) and storm
Jerry Greer Photography:
The endangered Roan Mountain Goldenrod (Solidago roanensis) in f