Gerard Veldman:
Amsterdamse humor
Gerard Veldman:
"Aangewezen" fotograaf
Gerard Veldman:
Dedicated to Marina
Gerard Veldman:
Chinese Food
Gerard Veldman:
Gerard Veldman:
Gerard Veldman:
Gerard Veldman:
Right after her boyfriend said cut (the dutch word!)
Gerard Veldman:
More reflections
Gerard Veldman:
One for the boys
Gerard Veldman:
We were not the only ones having a fun day...
Gerard Veldman:
The (now very) Famous Unknowns
Gerard Veldman:
One more for the boys
Gerard Veldman:
Wild thing!
Gerard Veldman:
Which photographer to look at?
Gerard Veldman:
The music moved me!
Gerard Veldman:
And kept moving me
Gerard Veldman:
Don't drink and shoot...
Gerard Veldman:
Looks like everyone brought their camera