jerry_lake: Victorian Army 8
jerry_lake: Victorian Army 7
jerry_lake: Victorian Army 5
jerry_lake: Victorian Army 1
jerry_lake: Queen Victoria 1 walk
jerry_lake: Procession
jerry_lake: Tony Down Victorian style
jerry_lake: People of importance
jerry_lake: Tree planting
jerry_lake: The Mayor of Slough
jerry_lake: Handover at the Opening Speeches
jerry_lake: Hilary Lade
jerry_lake: Lady in Waiting
jerry_lake: Queen Victoria and The Mayor
jerry_lake: Carolyn and Queen Victoria
jerry_lake: Bentley Educational Centre
jerry_lake: Model at the Bentley Educational Centre_
jerry_lake: Display at the Bentley Educational Centre
jerry_lake: Wexham Nursery staff
jerry_lake: The Mere
jerry_lake: Anyone for tennis
jerry_lake: Herschel Park Visitors
jerry_lake: Victorian Dresses 1
jerry_lake: Long legs
jerry_lake: Top Hat
jerry_lake: Candy floss
jerry_lake: Tuck Shop
jerry_lake: Slough in Bloom
jerry_lake: San Remo Cafe